Counsellors and psychotherapists to be regulated
by Bernard Harbor
The system allows for ‘fitness to practise’ cases to be brought against practitioners who fail to meet professional standards. |
Counsellors and psychotherapists will be the next professions to come under the CORU statutory regulation regime after health minister Simon Harris designated them last month.
They join 14 other health and social care professions – including occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers and speech and language therapists – designated for statutory regulation under the 2005 Health and Social Care Professionals Act.
The Act requires all such professionals to register and meet explicit professional standards, including a requirement to undertake continuing professional development. The system allows for ‘fitness to practise’ cases to be brought against practitioners who fail to meet professional standards.
There are various sanctions available – including cancellation or suspension of registration – if a complaint of professional misconduct or poor professional performance is found to be justified.
Fórsa members in the professions can access free legal advice and representation from the union if they are subject to a fitness to practise procedure.
Statutory registration is generally supported by professionals as it establishes formal professional status and ensures greater protection for the public.