Fórsa and IALPA secure agreement with new coast guard operator
by Niall Shanahan

Fórsa’s IAESA and IALPA members at the Irish Coast Guard Search and Rescue service have balloted to endorse a new industrial relations agreement with Bristow, the new contractor due to take over the running of the service.


The new agreement was finalised in December, while the ballots to back the agreement concluded on 29th December last.


The agreement ensures that Bristow recognises the union as having sole recognition for collective bargaining and representational rights for all flying staff (pilots and technical crew) within the company and outlines the basis on which future negotiations between the union and Bristow will take place, and includes a detailed disputes resolution procedure.


All pilots and technical crew are to transfer to Bristow Ireland by 30th June next year, on the same terms and conditions of employment. Meanwhile, continuity of service, seniority, salary and allowances, pension benefits and existing collective labour agreements (CLAs) remain in place and protected.


Fórsa’s head of Services and Enterprises, Katie Morgan, commented: “The new agreement, and its endorsement by our IALPA and IAESA members, represents a positive step forward, following an initially anxious period for everyone working in the Irish Coast Guard Search and Rescue service.


“There had been many months of uncertainty about the transfer of our members to a new contractor. This agreement protects our members’ jobs and service through the transition, and a comprehensive set of protections for existing terms and conditions.


“Establishing this agreement once again illustrates the positives of union organisation and recognition in the aviation industry. In the context of the vital public service provided by our Irish Coast Guard members, it gives an additional assurance to the wider public and maritime communities,” she said.


In addition, IALPA members balloted on a new collective labour agreement (CLA) with Bristow. The members accept the new agreement offering them further protections and security.


IALPA Vice President Daniel Langan said “We are delighted to reach a comprehensive agreement for the transfer of all pilots to Bristow, securing their current pay, terms and conditions. We look forward to building a positive working relationship with Bristow.”


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