Back2Work: Life Alongside COVID-19

As part of our Life Alongside COVID-19 campaign, the Asthma Society has developed resources and guidelines to support people with asthma and COPD as they readjust to working life during the COVID-19 pandemic

Back2Work Checklists: 

We have created two Back2Work Checklists to ensure all people with asthma and COPD are supported in the workplace.

If you wish to speak to a nurse on how to ensure your workplace is safe, freephone our Asthma and COPD Adviceline on 1800 44 54 64 or message our Beating Breathlessness WhatsApp patient support service  on (086) 059 0132.

Managing an asthma attack in the workplace:

What to do in an Asthma Attack - Adult Version

Take Control of your Asthma booklet:

Our Services: 

Adviceline Poster

Asthma and COPD Adviceline

The Asthma Society in collaboration with COPD Support Ireland launched a Joint Service on 1st July 2016. This free service allows users to speak to a respiratory specialist nurse about various aspects of their asthma/COPD.

Spacer Technique Videos

Our spacer technique videos are suitable for both patients and health care professionals. Here you will find demonstrations for some of the more popular spacers.