Unions set priorities ahead of public service pay talks
by Niall Shanahan
Kevin said the unions’ priority objective is to secure appropriate pay measures in response to continuing cost-of-living pressures on working families. He said cost pressures, including rising mortgage interest rates and corporate profiteering, continue to erode wages. 
Kevin said the unions’ priority objective is to secure appropriate pay measures in response to continuing cost-of-living pressures on working families. He said cost pressures, including rising mortgage interest rates and corporate profiteering, continue to erode wages. 

Fórsa’s national executive has backed a core set of priorities for upcoming public service pay talks, and these were subsequently endorsed by the ICTU Public Service Committee (PSC), which represents all ICTU-affiliated unions with members in the civil and public service,


The current public service pay agreement, Building Momentum, expires at the end of 2023. The final pay improvement under the deal, an increase of 1.5% or €750 (whichever is greater) applies to public service payroll from this week (1st October).


To avoid industrial relations turmoil, a successor agreement will need to be negotiated and ratified before the current deal expires, and talks are expected to get underway shortly.


Fórsa general secretary Kevin Callinan chairs the PSC. He said the unions’ priority objective is to secure appropriate pay measures in response to continuing cost-of-living pressures on working families. He said cost pressures, including rising mortgage interest rates and corporate profiteering, continue to erode wages. 


Kevin added: “Unions are also focused on stabilising public pay agreements, as there’s been an inconclusive process of engagement on Building Momentum’s commitment to address outstanding issues that affect several public service grades, groups and categories.


“The intention of both union and Government representatives was to have this process concluded before entering talks on a new agreement for 2024. To stabilise the current agreement, and to ensure a successor agreement commences on a solid foundation, an agreed process for dealing with issues affecting specific groups and grades is essential,” he said.


Kevin said normalising public service industrial relations is also a key priority: “This includes appropriate access to the Workplace Relations Commission and the Labour Court, and the final dismantling of remaining pieces of FEMPI legislation.


“We need to move on from a process of industrial relations shaped by the response to the 2009 financial crisis,” he said.


Unions have also agreed on pursuing measures to ensure the ‘future-proofing’ of quality public services and public service employment.


Kevin said the most recent figures on population made this an essential feature of upcoming talks: “With a growing population of more than five million, we do need to ensure that the State can continue to build and maintain quality public services designed to respond to people’s needs,” he said.


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