Conference backs motion on domestic violence leave
by Niall Shanahan

Fórsa’s Services and Enterprises divisional executive’s motion to last week’s conference – calling for union efforts to collectively bargain for ten days’ domestic violence leave within the division’s employments – received unanimous backing by conference delegates.


New legislation passed by the Government makes provision for just five days paid leave, which is half the recognised international standard of best practice.


Fórsa delegate Regina, a survivor of domestic abuse, told delegates that employers can support the victims of ‘insidious abuse’ by doubling the number of domestic violence leave available to staff.


She told the conference of her own experience of being subject to sleep deprivation, emotional, psychological and financial abuse.


She said extra time is needed when dealing with Gardaí, doctors, solicitors, schools and courts: “The only reason I am standing here before you today is because my union listened and believed me, when I was able to contact them from the middle of a soccer pitch to tell my story.


“The feeling of being believed, at last, has no words. Look to your left. Look to your right. That person next to you today…no one knows the circumstances they have gone through to be present here today.”


If you have been affected by any of the issues raised here, contact the Womens’ Aid 24hr National Freephone Helpline at 1800 341 900.



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