Fórsa writes to Ministers over local authority vets dispute
by Brendan Kinsella
With the transfer date less than six months away, a number of Local Authorities have been hesitant to hire new vets leaving their area with part-time coverage or none at all.
With the transfer date less than six months away, a number of Local Authorities have been hesitant to hire new vets leaving their area with part-time coverage or none at all.

The union has written to government ministers to seek immediate resolution of a number of issues facing Local Authority Veterinary Inspectors (LAVIs). 

Fórsa’s head of the Local Government and Local Services Division Richy Carrothers wrote to Charlie McConalogue TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, and Darragh O’Brien TD, Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, asking them to intervene and engage with union members and local authorities, to resolve the issues of LAVIs contracts and underlining that there are too few vets to provide an adequate food control service.

Local Authority Veterinary Inspectors are due to see their employment transferred from Local Authorities to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) on 31st October 2024.

They have been seeking confirmation that their entitlement to “professional added years” is understood and accepted as a contractual obligation by the department since March 2022. The Local Government Management Agency (LGMA) has, to date, not provided a response on the matter.

Despite initially cooperating with the transfer process, members have been forced to withdraw cooperation until meaningful engagement occurred.

According to Richy, Fórsa has been left with no alternative but to “resist any process to further transfer LAVIs to the DAFM” saying “this will remain the position until LAVIs entitlement to professional added years is confirmed and meaningful engagement on the transfer process takes place.”

With the transfer date less than six months away, a number of Local Authorities have been hesitant to hire new vets leaving their area with part-time coverage or none at all. This lack of coverage has the potential to put Local Authority-supervised food businesses at serious risk.

Fórsa members are calling on Local Authorities to hire enough vets to ensure a fully functioning food control service until the proposed transfer takes place.


Richy also underlined that members will consider further action “up to and including strike action” should these issues not be resolved satisfactorily. 


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