Non-cooperation instruction issued to ETB HR members
by Róisín McKane
 The instruction relates to increases in demands across three areas of work, in addition to normal workloads, with no additional administration resources provided.
The instruction relates to increases in demands across three areas of work, in addition to normal workloads, with no additional administration resources provided.

Fórsa members working in HR departments in Education and Training Boards (ETBs) have been issued a non-cooperation instruction effective from Thursday 30th May 2024. The instruction relates to increases in demands across three areas of work, in addition to normal workloads, with no additional administration resources provided.

These areas of work include the filling of assistant principal posts, the recruitment of teachers to special needs schools, and the adult educator deal.

Head of Fórsa’s Education Division, Andy Pike, outlined the additional requirements and said that no additional resources have been provided to meet this demand.

“At recent conferences, the Minister said that assistant principal posts that fall vacant on 1st September 2024, will have to be filled for the commencement of the new school year, but no resources have been implemented to meet this requirement.

“Furthermore, under a recent circular, ETBs are now committed to supporting the deployment of an additional 100 post-primary teaching posts to special schools. This is a new requirement, and no additional resources have been provided to meet this demand.

“Furthermore, a circular recently issued to inform ETBs that offer letters to those eligible for the adult educator’s deal should be circulated by late April to allow sufficient time for tutors to consider options by mid-June. Where a tutor opts to convert, contract changes are to take effect from September 2024. Once again, this is a new requirement, and no additional resources have been provided to meet this demand," he said.

Under the terms of the Public Service Pay Agreement 2024-2026, employers are obliged to enter into consultation with Fórsa on these significant increases in workload, but to date, no consultation has taken place at sectoral or national level. 

"Therefore, members have been instructed not to cooperate with the three areas of work effective from 30th May 2024 until instructed otherwise by Fórsa,” he said.


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