Fórsa members to grill election candidates
by Bernard Harbor

Pay, Slántecare, working time, housing, mental health, ‘section 39’ funding and the climate crisis are among the issues that Fórsa has raised with the main political parties contesting general election 2020. And the union has developed materials to help health workers quiz election candidates who knock on the door to plead for their votes.

Fórsa is not affiliated to any political party, and does not support any party or candidate in the election. But the union is actively working to influence the policy of the next government on the issues that matter most to its members.

Last week, Fórsa wrote to all the main political parties to outline the policies it wants to see implemented after the election on 8th February.

And the union’s “Public Service Champions’ Charter” sets out a range of questions on public service-wide issues that we’ve put to all the political parties. We intend to publish their responses online in the final week of the election campaign.

The union has also published a handy guide to issues that health workers can raise with canvassers. Parties are influenced by what they hear on the doorstep if enough people show they’re concerned about particular issues. 

We believe the policies of the next government can be shaped if Fórsa members use this material to send a strong and consistent message to party leaders. So, keep it by the hall door and be ready when the politicians come looking for your vote! 

Download our health service questions HERE.

Download our Public Service Champions’ Charter HERE.



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