Childcare advice expanded
Civil and public service employers have been encouraged to support staff experiencing childcare difficulties because of coronavirus-related school or crèche closures.
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Staying safe
The Health and Safety Authority has produced new guidelines about temporary working at home due to the coronavirus. You can read them HERE.
Staff to be paid on time
The HSE and Tusla have told Fórsa that they’re putting contingency measures in place to ensure that staff are paid on time throughout the crisis. It said payroll operations will be maintained and that arrangements for those due to be paid this week have already been concluded. Fórsa sought the assurances after some members expressed concerns that payments could be delayed.
Staff with medical risk
Staff who are in a vulnerable group (ie, you are over 60 or have a long-term medical condition like heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, cancer or high blood pressure), should phone your doctor for advice before attending work.
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Staff redeployments sought
Civil and public servants may “may be asked on a temporary basis to work in a different role, or even for a different organisation, in order to meet critical work needs,” according to new guidance from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.
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Covid 19: Social welfare arrangements
Fórsa is in contact with the Department of Employment And Social Protection (DEASP) regarding changed procedures, increased workloads and the need for social distancing in Intreo centres (ICs).
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New advice on self-isolating workers
The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) has issued new advice on what employees should do if they have to go into self-quarantine or self-isolation as a result of the Covid-19 virus.
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