Fórsa welcomed David Keegan and Edel Doran (pictured left, below) from First Fortnight to learn about their excellent work.
The Dublin-based charity aims to challenge mental health prejudice and stigma through arts and culture. It began as a volunteer-led initiative in 2010, establishing the first mental health arts and culture festival in 2012.
The charity also provides creative therapies to marginalised communities affected by mental ill-health.
Pictured are Fórsa's Eamonn Donnelly (right) and Dessie Robinson presenting a donation from our conference charity cycle event in May.
Find out more about their work at firstfortnight.ie.

Mental health support
First Fortnight are one of four mental health charities that received funds from the union’s charity cycling event, the sixth event of its kind. This year, the union focused on groups providing mental health supports and suicide awareness and prevention services.
Eamonn and Dessie established the event in 2008, cycling from Dublin to Kilkenny.
Since then the event has grown, attracting donations from every branch of the union, and each event features a growing number of participating union members.
To learn more about this year’s charities, check out the latest edition of Fórsa magazine, available in your workplace, or download a PDF version here.