Members in An Post vote to accept pay deal
by Hannah Deasy
The pay increase was a welcome increase for members, particularly when members’ pay has decreased in value due to exceptional economic inflation.  
The pay increase was a welcome increase for members, particularly when members’ pay has decreased in value due to exceptional economic inflation.  

On Wednesday 8th May a ballot of Fórsa members in An Post closed.  Members overwhelmingly voted to accept a proposed pay deal, with almost 98% deciding in favour.


The deal, brokered by the staff side unions comprising of Fórsa, the Association of Higher Civil and Public Servants (AHCPS) and the Communications Workers’ Union (CWU), provides a 4% pay increase backdated to the 1st of January 2024, a 3% increase from January 2025 and a final 1%  increase in June of 2025.


This two-year deal runs to the 31st of December 2025.


Fórsa assistant general secretary Eugene Gargan said the pay increase was a welcome increase for members, particularly when members’ pay has decreased in value due to exceptional economic inflation.  


Eugene also emphasised the benefit of unions working together, saying “This deal also shows what can be achieved for workers when three well established unions work together for the collective benefit of all our members.”


There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

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