By the end of 2024, our total membership had reached 89,344. With thousands of new members joining, director of membership Seán McElhinney shares figures on where people are binding together to build collective strength and power in workplaces across the island.
With a red weather warning in place for the whole country we are encouraging members to follow the safety advice provided. Where possible work from home and do not undertake unnecessary journeys. If you have queries about working arrangements or if you encounter a work related issue during this time contact your branch or official for guidance. And to our members keeping vital services going during Storm Éowyn: thank you.
Fórsa official Maura Calahan and branch chair Noel McCarthy explain the background to an ongoing dispute on the outsourcing of legal services in South Dublin County Council. The ballot will open on Tuesday 4th February and run for two weeks.
Revised guidelines have been issued to give clarity to water workers in relation to their new roles and associated earnings as the ongoing transition from local authorities to Uisce Éireann takes place.
Now that the Programme for Government is finalised, we drill down into how it aligns with the aspirations of Fórsa members as expressed in our survey ahead of the election.
A meeting of the Equivalent Grades Committee for Grades 4 to 7 has laid out the path forward for the next claim that will be lodged using the local bargaining process.
Revenue has announced that employees who qualify for the Flat Rate Expense (FRE) allowance will remain eligible to claim this benefit in 2025. This quick explainer outlines how workers can avail of this allowance.
Read our report on an emotionally tough day organised by the INTO in Liberty Hall where contributions from Palestinian children conveyed the grim realities of life under occupation and war.