Senior managers not in tune with views of their staff
by Mark Corcoran
Fórsa Deputy General Secretary Éamonn Donnelly said that many employers are still grappling with the new ways of work brough on by the pandemic.
Fórsa Deputy General Secretary Éamonn Donnelly said that many employers are still grappling with the new ways of work brough on by the pandemic.

More than half of employees believe their senior managers are not in tune with the views of their staff, that’s according to the latest Global Work Trend Index by Microsoft. Although most people are happy in their current jobs, a significant percentage of those currently considering a job move cited dissatisfaction with management as a key factor.


The survey, based on almost 700 Irish respondents, revealed that opinion is divided on the benefits of hybrid working models, as workplace culture emerged as the top priority for working professionals.


While remote working remains a popular consideration, lack of trust in senior management is cited as the most common factor among those leaving their roles in the past year. Almost a fifth of those who left their jobs did so due to layoffs.


Two-thirds of respondents said the promotion of a good workplace culture was a key responsibility for employers. It was comfortably the most cited issue ahead of the promotion of health and wellbeing and flexible working arrangements.


Hybrid working models are causing concern among many employees, however, with over half saying they felt their workplace culture had deteriorated in the past 12 months, and 55% indicating they have fewer workplace friends now.


Fórsa Deputy General Secretary Éamonn Donnelly said that many employers are still grappling with the new ways of work brough on by the pandemic.


“There is a pressing need for leadership training across the country to better understand what engages staff in a hybrid work setting. The research is clear that remote working is the way forward and it brings with it huge benefits like an increase in social happiness, more time for hobbies and having a positive environmental impact.


“It is the responsibility of managers to ensure a fair and effective hybrid system with strong support, staff development, communications and fair and objective performance management is in place for all staff to reap the benefits of the new ways of work,” he said.



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