March together in Dublin Pride 29th June

Dear members,


I’m delighted to announce that members will be marching at Dublin Pride, June 29th, under the Fórsa banner. If you’d like to join, please email your name and phone number to, as spaces are limited.


Over 40 years ago, the LGPSU, one of Fórsa’s predecessor unions, passed a motion supporting the “decriminalising of homosexual acts.”  At the time, this was a ground-breaking and brave motion to bring but one I’m very proud to say was supported by the union.


I’m just as proud to have seen a motion on creating a Fórsa LGBTQ+ network being passed at our Biennial Conference this year.


What was striking during this motion was the strength of our members speaking about their personal experiences and the huge support from their fellow union members. It was a deeply moving session, and well done as always to those who make sure this union stands up for all our membership. Your National Executive Committee will shortly be looking at how to progress this.


Our trade union has a long history of fighting for what’s right, for our members and our communities. Do take a look at this video to see the role unions have played in driving equality.  



We’re proud to be a diverse union - welcoming of all, and stronger together,


In solidarity,
Kevin Callinan
General Secretary

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