What's on at Conference today

This morning conference resumes at 9.30am, with voting in the election for president opening at the same time. Fórsa general secretary Kevin Callinan will address conference at 9.45am.


At 10.15am Esther Lynch, general secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), and Fórsa member, will address conference. Ahead of the European elections this June, she will speak about how important these elections are for the 45 million workers across Europe that the ETUC represent.


There is a heavy agenda of motions for delegates today, beginning with motions on pay in the morning, followed by internal union organisation in closed session, and international policy in the afternoon. 


Later on in the day Daniel Bertossa, general secretary of Public Services International (PSI) will also address conference, at 14.15pm.



Visit the conference hub for all documentation. 

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