Up for debate
by Hannah Deasy & Niall Shanahan

With over 200 motions put forward to Conference, there’s a wide range of topics up for debate in the coming days.

There are motions calling on the union to continue to work for pay parity and pay justice for section 39, section 56 and section 10 workers; to hold government to account in relation to the commitment to introduce a living wage, based on 60% of hourly median earnings, by 1 January 2026; to make more progress in relation to low paid workers who have been most severely affected by the cost-of-living crisis; to progress toward a National Living Wage and the transposition of the EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages into Irish law.

Housing features strongly in a number of motions at this year’s conference, which reflects a real challenge facing workers today. Polling last week revealed that almost 1 in 10 (8%) people aged between 18 and 34 say they are actively planning to emigrate from Ireland. The level of emigration among young people has raised concerns – particularly in the public sector – that the country is running out of educated young workers.

Also on the agenda is a debate about Fórsa’s preparations for changes in the workplace anticipated by the introduction of AI (artificial intelligence). AI poses a challenge to ensuring ethical principles apply in all aspects of our lives, including our working lives. 

International solidarity motions are scheduled for Thursday afternoon. This year the focus of this part of the agenda is understandably on the wars in Palestine and Ukraine.


Read the full agenda here.

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