Storm Front
by Niall Shanahan

In the Business Post Daniel Murray reports that the government is "unlikely to move much beyond its offer of an 8.5 per cent pay increase for public sector workers because of concerns it would heap more pressure on private businesses by setting an unrealistic and inflationary bar for wage increases." The report includes the latest update from Kevin Callinan to PSC affiliates issued last Friday. The article is behind the paywall but you can access the full text here.


Meanwhile, the Irish Times reports that IBEC has called for a pause on further increases in the national minimum wage "and other labour policy measures planned by the Government that it claims will add more than €4 billion to the annual wage bill of Irish companies and risk “employment and business viability”. Responding, Owen Reidy, of ICTU said IBEC’s proposals were “short termist” and “quite nasty”, given that wages have failed to keep pace with inflation in recent years.


The ongoing industrial action by Fórsa members in the HSE has led to the cancellation of a number of meetings of regional health forums since last October, news of which occasionally surfaces in regional media, and was also a matter of discussion in the Dáil last week. The parties are due back at the WRC in the first week of February.


The Indo reports today that employee rights to request remote or flexible working "are poised to come into effect after the Government said the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) will finalise guidelines on the matter by the end of this month, 18 months after Ireland missed an EU deadline to roll out the measure."


Storm Isha has disrupted power supply to 170,000 homes and resulted yesterday in the cancellation of 102 flights at Dublin Airport, including 53 incoming and 49 departing flights, while high winds  resulted in 24 go-arounds and 27 diversions. 


Elsewhere, The Irish Times reports that a Government-appointed expert group has said the State “could and should do a lot more” to allay fears about the arrival of asylum seekers, and also reports that the State is to take a more “structured” approach to accommodating refugees and asylum seekers after a new plan is brought to Cabinet.




I finally got round to watching an episode of Beef on Netflix yesterday, and can now see what all the fuss is about


Have a splendid week. 




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