by Niall Shanahan

The transition of the Irish Coast Guard Search and Rescue service from the operator CHC to the new contract holder, Bristow, was the subject of a debate in the Seanad this week, with two senators raising their concern about the transition.


In the North, Unite, MB and Siptu members are engaged in industrial action today on Translink bus, Glider and train services, with a further day of action scheduled for 22nd December, and BALPA, the UK pilot body, has has elected its first female general secretary in its 86-year history. 


Elsewhere, The Irish Times' editorial is cautiously optimistic about a fall in interest rates next year.


Fórsa's members' news bulletins are circulating this morning, and we lead with this story about Fórsa's concern about the slow pace of public service pay talks.




With Christmas approaching this is the last regular news digest of 2023. Wishing you and yours a happy and peaceful Christmas, and may 2024 bring good fortune your way.


The digest will resume in January.




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