La Marseillaise
by Niall Shanahan

The Irish economy is set to grow by just 1.5% this year, and it might be a good time to check your tax returns as PAYE workers are missing out on around €300 each a year by not claiming all the credits they are due.


The Irish Medical Times reports that health and social care professionals (HSCPs) have welcomed the introduction of discipline managers to children’s disability teams, following Fórsa's negotiations at the WRC just over a week ago


Following the reestablishment of the Stormont Assembly on Saturday, and Michelle O'Neill's appointment as First Minister, the Assembly is set to call on Westminster to give Northern Ireland the "resources that it needs to deliver effective public services" as bus and train drivers in the North have cancelled a strike scheduled for Thursday. Meanwhile, ICTU has said that industrial action is to continue until an acceptable offer on public sector pay is made.


In other news, an anti-immigration march in Dublin yesterday was met by a counter protest, as gardaí are to examine social media postings of people present at a disused nursing home in Dublin last weekend, as part of investigations into a suspected arson attack which gutted the building.  


Meanwhile, parents in part of Kildare, Wicklow, Dublin, Galway and Cork have been unable to secure first-year secondary school places in their local areas in advance of the coming academic year, and an urgent catch-up MMR vaccination programme is now being planned due to an outbreak of measles.




Highlights of Ireland's opening Six Nations game against France last Friday provides some glorious Zen this morning.


Have a great week.




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