May Day
by Niall Shanahan

Elsewhere today, Marie Sherlock writes in the Journal that "Unions matter, and we need them more now than ever"  while RTÉ's Brian O'Donovan provides some May Day coverage, including details of this evening's rally and march at the Garden of Remembrance in Dublin.


International Airlines Group (IAG) has announced it will allocate the first of six new long-range Airbus jets “elsewhere”, a decision likely made well in advance of last week's initial Labour Court hearing with IALPA and Aer Lingus.


Meanwhile, the Indo reports today that sales of jet fuel grew to record levels last year, wiping out some of the progress made in weaning the country off fossil fuels


Sticking with aviation (and brewing a Fingal feud) the DAA has sought wider planning exemptions for airport infrastructure and new rights to bypass local authority planners for developments with no aircraft noise implications. 




Sad news this morning as the news broke of the death of author Paul Auster. His New York Trilogy is well worth including on any holiday reading list.


One of my favourite radio stations, Lyric FM, is 25 years old today, and there's rumours of some decent weather heading our way this coming bank holiday weekend. Let's hope it's true.


Have an empowering May Day.




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