Full Contact
by Niall Shanahan

On the new public service pay agreement, Fórsa's NEC meets today to discuss the terms of the agreement and a comprehensive FAQ is now available on the Fórsa website.


The Irish Times letters page today includes a few responses to David McWilliams' "2+2=5" analysis of the new agreement in Saturday's edition, most of which challenge McWilliam's feeble understanding of the public sector, including one from former ICTU economist Paul Sweeney.


The outcome of the Aer Lingus Pilots' Pay Tribunal is reported in the Irish Times Business section today, following on from weekend coverage that Aer Lingus and IALPA are to return to the WRC.


Elsewhere, the transcript of last week's Oireachtas committee discussion on the regulatory and legislative changes required for the transposition of the Adequate Minimum Wages Directive, which includes contributions from ICTU general secretary Owen Reidy, is now available.


Finally, FIntan O'Toole has this truly bizarre tale from 1968 about Aer Lingus cabin crew in the context of article 41.2 of the Constitution, about which we will be voting in March.




I watched a few episodes of the new Six Nations documentary Full Contact last weekend and it looks and sounds every bit as lavish as the money that Netflix have clearly thrown at it, but as good a taster of the upcoming tournament as you'd hope, which opens on Friday as Ireland meets Les Bleues in Paris.


Michael Hogan's review appears withering but actually highlights all the reasons it's worth watching (hat-tip to Ireland's Andrew Porter). If you need something to get you in the mood for this year's Six Nations, I reckon this will do the trick. I look forward to Netflix doing the same for the League of Ireland Premier Division (it would help to pay for the renovations we need at Richmond Park!).


Have a lovely day.




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