In other news, this week it was revealed that An Bord Pleanála gave €212,850 in severance pay to a former top official, as the mammoth 747-page Planning and Development Bill – the third largest piece of legislation in the history of the State – has completed committee stage in the Seanad. Cormac McQuinn examines what's in the Bill and if it will speed up housing supply?.
Meanwhile there is a report today that there may be a major overhaul of the Road Safety Authority (RSA) with the possibility of some of its functions moving closer to the Department of Transport after an independent review of the agency.
Elsewhere, the second coming of Donald Trump renders the ear bandage as messianic tribute, and "I'm not supposed to be here" as a slogan, while the future funding of RTÉ remains a topic of political speculation.
And in Coolock, fires, protests and a tense stand-off remain in place, as IALPA's ballot opened yesterday.
Your Zen this morning is a couple of days late (apols) and prompted by this piece in this morning's Irish Times about Derry football.
This week, our national team did us proud: "The Republic of Ireland found their Nations League spark in stunning fashion at Páirc Uí Chaoimh on Tuesday night against international heavyweights France" - Gavin Cumiskey's report from the game is worth a read.
Have a great weekend.