Tago Mago
by Niall Shanahan

Driving the news agenda this morning are reports that the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (Ictu) has recommended that unions should be seeking pay increases of between 4 and 6% in the private sector during the coming year, as long as they are affordable for employers. That's widely reported across national and regional titles.


Elsewhere, the Irish Times reports that Ireland’s construction sector slowed down for the 12th time in the past 13 months, according to new purchasing managers index figures, but there is some hope for the near future with companies hiring again.


Meanwhile, local authorities are counting the costs of dealing with extreme weather events as Cork County Council has said that funding streams to deal with severe weather events are “wholly inadequate” and hinder preparation for storms, while the same paper considers the risks of extreme weather for workers.


In more news on the situation in Gaza, the Taoiseach has called for ‘sustained humanitarian ceasefire’ amid international calls for Netanyahu to show restraint, given the high risk to the civilian population now concentrated there. 


Finally, Uisce Éireann has said it is taking advice on whether it needs to warn more than 220,000 consumers that their drinking water contains a level of toxic chemicals called trihalomethanes in excess of that permitted under European Union limits. 




Your Zen moment this morning is a track by Krautrock legends Can, by way of tribute to lead singer Damo Suzuki, who died at the weekend. Bring Me Coffee or Tea is the closing track on Can's 1971 album Tago Mago. Suzuki was discovered by the band while busking in Munich, having previously spent time in Ireland and Sweden after leaving his native Japan. Can went on to become a huge influence on David Bowie, Iggy Pop, punk, post-punk and new wave and everything that's happened since. They remain woven into modern music's DNA.


Have a good week.



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