Getting Out The Vote
by Niall Shanahan

The Irish Times today leads with the news that the Central Bank predicts workers here are in line for their biggest pay hike in a decade with real incomes (adjusted for inflation) expected to rise by almost 9% over the next three years.


However, that's not greeted as good news by everybody. RTÉ reports that ISME and a number of other trade organisations have launched a campaign to address rising labour costs, greater representation for small businesses on the Labour Employer Economic Forum and the Low Pay Commission, and a permanent 9% VAT rate for the (highly profitable) hospitality and grooming sectors.


In the Indo, Charlie Weston writes that "experts fear" the planned digital euro currency will leave consumers and businesses wide open to being "scammed by cybercriminals," while Paschal Donohoe (now confirmed as out of the running for the top IMF job) reports there's a strong policy direction shared by EU states on breaking down barriers between the region's capital markets.  


The HSE has issued fresh guidelines on healthy lifestyles and Clúid Housing has warned that the current levels of debt being carried by voluntary housing bodies is creating a “significant financial risk” for the sector. 




Your Zen today is a ten year old video that, to my delight, my kids resurrected for me last weekend. Featuring an unlikely duet between jazz legend Miles Davis and LCD Soundsystem in this paean to the Big Apple.


Have a lovely day.




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