Full of Grace
by Niall Shanahan

In other news today, efforts continue to secure a ceasefire in Gaza, while the Public Accounts Committee is set to recommend that RTÉ should in future be subjected to new financial controls as well as greater oversight around contracts and big exit packages.


Elsewhere, the Bar Council is concerned about security in courthouses following a number of assaults on legal professionals, Dublin City Council unveils a revised new Dublin greenway plan, Ryanair tells customers air fares will be higher this summer due to a shortage of planes, while academic John O'Brennan makes the case for a European army.


Meanwhile, Pilita Clark has this on job-title inflation, health unions in the North are to ballot members on a fresh pay offer, while a planned three-day strike this week by bus and train workers in the North has been suspended. 


Former members of the elite Army Ranger Wing talk to the Irish Examiner about how poor pay forced them out, while the same paper reports that farmers are protesting against climate policies in Cork this morning ahead of a meeting of local councillors. 




Your Zen this morning was my weekend earworm. IDLES new single Grace has lodged itself firmly and I heartily recommend it. Don't just take my word for it. Justin Hawkins' reaction is available by clicking on the link above.


Have a great week.




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