To the Peacemakers
by Niall Shanahan

There is much in today's news arising from blame and recrimination as the political system absorbs the double referendum whammy delivered by the electorate at the weekend.


On the RTÉ website, Petula Martin marks Mothers Day with this extended piece about the experience of women at work and The Motherhood Penalty.


Elsewhere, speculation over Paschal Donohoe's future prospects as head of the IMF appears to have softened as EU countries are preparing to back Kristalina Georgieva for a second term as monetary body chief.


In the Irish Times Martin Wall continues his coverage of former senior HSE executive Dean Sullivan, he of the big exit package, who is now working with the health service in Northern Ireland, while news of other big state-funded exit packages emerge.


Meanwhile, an anti-racism vigil held in Roscrea over the weekend was told the town is facing many challenges but none of them are caused by people seeking refuge from war and oppression.


Finally, CIllian Murphy makes some non-Oscar news today as it's reported that a University of Galway programme supported by the actor - on activating empathy among 1,600 students at 25 secondary schools in Ireland - resulted in significantly higher levels of concern and understanding for others. Carl O'Brien reports that teenagers will get to learn about developing and practising empathy in their day-to-day lives in-person and online under plans to redevelop transition year at second level. 




While our Grand Slam prospects withered at Twickenham on Saturday, Irish film talent scooped up the premium gongs at last night's Oscars. Here's the full list of winners.


Have a splendid week.







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