Fresh Fish!
by Niall Shanahan

The Irish Times reports that the DAA is continuing talks with Fórsa as members of Siptu, Mandate, Connect and Unite in Cork and Dublin airports have voted for pay increases worth 10.3% over three years in a new deal with the airport authority.


ICTU is among the organisations that have welcomed Cabinet approval for new legislation that would allow employees to continue working until 66, the age at which they become entitled to the State pension. In related news, the Indo reports that Gardaí, the defence forces and prison officers will be able to work up to 62 but the Government has been warned the move is just a “tool in the box” during an “exodus” from the uniformed forces


The Irish Times leads today with news that a new Senior Posts Remuneration Committee is to be established by the Government which will look at the pay of commercial State company chiefs as a priority. 


On the latest Exchequer returns, which continue to maintain rude health, the Irish Times editorial says a significant slowdown in public spending is going to be needed as the year goes on, if the budget surplus is to come in on target




With the morning headline about the price of fresh fish, I was immediately reminded of that wonderful old Dublin tune, Daffodil Mulligan. A neighbour of mine sings a version that can't be rivalled, but here's Lankum giving it a wonderful turn from 10 years ago.


Have a lovely day.






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