Swift Landing
by Niall Shanahan

In other news, newly qualified teachers will be entitled to a €2,000 incentive payment next summer if they take up a full-time teaching role for the coming school year as part of a fresh effort to boost the supply of classroom professionals. 


Defence Forces management hopes to be able to expel soldier Cathal Crotty by early next week, following his recent conviction


Elsewhere,almost three-quarters of residential tenants struggle to pay bills after paying rent, while 42% have experienced a rent increase in the last 12 months, according to a new survey from Threshold, while the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) has just published a report which says a lack of urgency and consultation, vague or absent timelines, and a failure to protect Travellers from “discriminatory” practices are among the “intransigent barriers” many members of the community face when accessing housing.




Your Zen moment this morning anticipates the arrival of Taylor Swift into Dublin


Have a lovely day.




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