Primrose Hill
by Niall Shanahan

In other news today there's more early dangling of budget goodies as the Minister for Finance Michael McGrath, speaking in Washington, expects to sign off on a “very good” Budget 2025 package later this year.


Elsewhere, the Defence Forces' "historically low" numbers of 7,500 are a reflection of the slow pace of implementing recommended reforms, according to the general secretary of the Representative Association of Commissioned Officers (Raco). 


The Irish Examiner's editorial considers new research providing fresh insights into Ireland’s relationship with alcohol: "some of them surprising, some of them all too familiar."


Kabir Alade, a Luas ticket inspector who addressed the Oireachtas Transport Committee yesterday on the issue of anti-social behaviour on public transport, described how he can be racially abused "up to five times a day" while doing his job, and said that this level of anti-social behaviour can be "mentally draining."


Finally, talks between IALPA and Aer Lingus ended inconclusively yesterday. The next stop is the Labour Court, next Monday (22nd). Meanwhile, the airline is reported as having doubled down on its threat that parent company IAG will withold new aircraft. The Business Post's coverage is available to read here. The Indo, RTÉ and Irish Times also report.




Your Zen moment today is a new Lennon & McCartney collaboration. Primrose Hill brings together James McCartney and Sean Ono Lennon. The full story via the image above, the song below.


Have a lovely day.




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