Power of Rosie
by Niall Shanahan

In the Irish Times, Sorcha Pollak has this moving portrait of a family reunited in Ireland: "On Tuesday night, Isam Hammad slept in a bed for the first time in more than five months...'Making it here to Ireland, it’s a miracle'."


Elsewhere, the same paper editorialises on the crisis in Defence Forces remuneration.


There's a reaction to the HSE's intention to hire more staff in the Letters page, which also hosts a letter from Martin McDonald of Terenure, Dublin, concerning what he describes as a "dilution of the role of the permanent Civil Service" in the context of the recent referendum result. 


In other news, protesters under the influence of the far right fashioned themselves a cavalry last night. 




Your moment of Zen today marks the fact that today, 21st March, is now “Rosie the Riveter Day” in the US, in honour of the fictionalised heroine of the second World War. Frank McNally writes about the Irish dimension to Rosie's story and there's more material about Rosie from History.com if you click on the image above.


Have a lovely day.





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