Occupy Orwell
by Niall Shanahan

Tomorrow marks the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and our retired Fórsa friend John Farrelly continues to protest outside Dublin's Russian embassy. In today's Fórsa bulletins we include news about an event they're holding this afternoon to mark two years of peaceful protest.


The group (nicknamed 'Pensioners Against Putin' as it is mainly made up of retired and semi-retired men and women) is also profiled in today's Irish Times.


Elsewhere, the Taoiseach expresses his frustrations that infrastructure projects “take far too long” to complete, while the head of the Electoral Commission has said that people should “treat every day like April Fool’s Day” when it comes to elections because of the threat posed to Irish democracy by disinformation.  


Meanwhile, The Body Shop stores across Ireland are set to close from next Thursday, while the private sector has landed a craft on the moon, a mere 55 years after the public sector managed it.




Your Zen this morning is the debut release from a new Irish band, Ana PalindromeSorry A Million is released today and the band will be supporting the sold-out show by ØXN next Thursday at Vicar Street. Can't wait.


Have a pleasant weekend.






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