Meanwhile, those CSO figures on pay reveal a steeper drop in agricultural outcome than was previously estimated, with the value of milk and cereal production down by significant levels. Expect a pre-election intervention there. Ibec has published its general election manifesto, and warns of a challenging trading landscape for Irish exporters and of difficulties attracting new foreign investment in the coming years.
Colleagues, it still seems a bit unreal to me that our ICTU colleague and friend, Macdara Doyle, passed away last week. His service last Friday afternoon was a touching farewell by friends and colleagues from the worlds of art, politics and the trade union movement. Macdara's love for music shone through the service, with tunes by The Clash and Luke Kelly and a beautiful rendition of The Parting Glass by Macdara's niece, Sadbh.
More than once, his love and devotion to Dublin band The Blades was referenced. The service played out with their song, Downmarket.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
Little known fact about The Blades. The night of their 'final' gig at the Olympic Ballroom in January 1986 saw them play to a bigger audience than Sting who was playing his first solo show in Ireland just up the road at the National Stadium.