Ripley's Game
by Niall Shanahan

RTÉ reporter Cian McCormack has taken a closer look at the issues around plans by the HSE to take over a new state-of-the-art 50-bed nursing home in Nenagh for a year as a privately operated step-down facility taking overflow from UHL. The group of unions objecting to the plan, including Fórsa, are to meet the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health at UHL today.


Sticking with health, Martin Wall reports for the Irish Times that DPER has expressed concern about the “sustainability” of growth in health spending, which was up 15 per cent year on year in the first quarter. 


On the potential moves in a reshuffle of Cabinet, the Indo reports that there are fears within Fine Gael that moving Helen McEntee out of the Department of Justice could feed into the far-right, anti-immigration agenda


In the Examiner, ICTU general secretary Owen Reidy warns that Government must not sacrifice wage growth when addressing cost pressures. He says any attempt to row back on recent and modest improvements for workers, in response to the hysteria of business and employer groups, would be "a kick in the teeth" for low paid workers, who are disproportionately young and female.


Meanwhile, the Irish Times reports that plans to increase the number of statutory sick leave days could be "paused," as Government forges plans to ameliorate the anxieties of the business lobby. 


Ian Curran reports in the Irish Times that a large cohort of workers in Ireland believe their employer does not support their wellbeing in the workplace. In a new survey, those working in the public sector were among those least likely to feel their employer is looking out for their wellbeing, with just 41% of public sector workers feeling "looked after."


Finally, the Council of Europe’s new human rights commissioner says making racist comments about Travellers is still viewed as “acceptable” in Ireland and people who do so are not being pulled up by others. He said there is a “careless racism” about Travellers in Ireland that needs to be confronted. 


Oh, and the weather is still banjaxed.




Your Zen moment this morning is a recommendation for the Netflix series Ripley. An eight part adaptation of the Patricia Highsmith novel stars local lad Andrew Scott in the titular role. I'm two episodes in and hooked. 


Have a good week.




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