by Niall Shanahan

The Irish Times letters page features this letter by Norman Croke from Kildare, congratulating the public sector unions on the most recent pay agreement, and writes about how ICTU's Better In A Trade Union campaign"clearly demonstrates that workers with access to collective bargaining with their employers have better pay and conditions than those without." He makes the case for the State to establish a legal right to collective bargaining - and full trade union recognition - in order to improve wage conditions and rights in all sectors.


Also in the letters page is an exchange of views on the upcoming referendum, Fórsa and Congress are supporting a 'Yes/Yes' vote on Friday 8th March.


In the Indo, Anne-Marie Walsh writes that more employers plan to offer expanded hybrid working roles to workers this year, despite a recent push by tech bosses to get staff back to the office. 


Elsewhere, it's reported that Cork County Council is to establish a dedicated flood defence and flood relief team, while in the North, Finance Minister Dr Caoimhe Archibald MLA has announced a pay offer which would see the majority of civil servants receive a 5% consolidated increase plus a one-off £1,500 non-consolidated payment.


The Derry Journal reports that the offer is worth up to 10% for workers on lower pay, while the Belfast Telegraph reports that public transport union members have said they have a “bad feeling” about the proposed new pay deal offered by Translink, with fears it could be rejected, while the Irish Times reports on the problem of delayed infrastructure projects in the North.


Meanwhile, ICTU's Dr Laura Bambrick features in the Indo's coverage over concerns at the lack of public awareness on the pension auto-enrollment scheme, which is due to get started later in the year. Laura is quoted as saying "the lack of public awareness about the scheme among the public is worrying, especially as it is going to impact on people’s pay packets," and said Congress fully supports the introduction of auto-enrolment and did not want to see any further delay in it being rolled out.




Your Zen this morning is a Netflix recommendation. I wouldn't normally bother recommending a romcom but One Day is pretty good. Shades of Four Weddings/Notting Hill in there but don't let that put you off. When Harry Met Sally is probably a better comparison. It's 14 half-hour episodes, so it'll get you through a week of chilly evenings. The soundtrack is particularly good, and Ambika Mod's performance seems to hold it all together, she's brilliant.


Have a lovely day.




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