verb: "to nothing"
by Niall Shanahan

RTÉ reports that Bristow Ireland, which is taking over the contract to provide search and rescue services for the Irish Coast Guard, has received its Air Operator Certificate (AOC) from the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA). 


The MRCI has said that there's been "a massive upsurge in unscrupulous business owners" asking migrants for illegal payments of tens of thousands of euro to sponsor their work permits


ICTU has this guest blog by the ETUC's deputy general secretary, Isabelle Schömann, about tomorrow's vote by the European Council to hold businesses accountable for their impact on human rights and the environment. 


Elsewhere, management at Dublin's Coombe Hospital and the Connect trade union have been invited to the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) in a bid to resolve their dispute, while Labour comment on the "Upstairs, Downstairs" culture in RTÉ, following the publication of the McCann Fitzgerald report on the broadcaster's voluntary exit programme.




Your Zen moment this morning reflects on an emerging cultural interest in doing nothing.


Have a great day.




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