El Corazón
by Niall Shanahan

Public expenditure minister Paschal Donohoe spoke to Matt Cooper on Today FM yesterday following Cabinet's approval of the new public service pay deal, insisting the terms of the deal won't drive further inflation, while The Journal sought the opinion of a cross-section of public servants on the terms of the deal.


Paschal completed his media rounds by speaking to Kieran Cuddihy on Newstalk's The Hard Shoulder. Cuddihy opened with a question about the Indo's lead story (see 'sweeteners' story in yesterday's briefing), while Donohoe talked about how this year's payments under the new deal should stay ahead of inflation.


The minister's comments are also reported in the Irish Times.


Elsewhere, there's widespread coverage of the mounting cost of building the new National Children's Hospital, while TD Joan Collins introduced a Protection of Employees (Trade Union Subscriptions) Bill 2024 in the Dáil yesterday.




Your Zen this morning is a plaintive song from the heart by Steve Earle (click on the image above) and this article about the creative process behind Oliver Postgate's Bagpuss, a childhood favourite.


Have a heart-throbbing day.



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