Don't look away
by Hannah Deasy




This morning there is coverage across all the papers of the protests outside Leinster House. Calling for action to counter the emboldened far right Miriam Lord cuts to the core of why what could have been funny is actually very serious; while reference to a potential 'Jo Cox' moment in Ireland is also made. 


The Dáil resumed after summer recess yesterday, and though the three leaders of Government parties were in New York at the UN, Sinn Féin brought forward a motion on mortgage interest relief.


At the UN, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky confronted Russia directly at the United Nations Security Council, denouncing the Kremlin's invasion of his country as "criminal" and urging the UN to strip Moscow of its veto power. At the same time Ukrainian cities Kyiv and Kherson were targeted by Russian attacks overnight. 

On a lighter note the Guinness World Record for the most persons simultaneously throwing wellies on day two of the National Ploughing Championships in Ratheniska, Co Laois.



Enjoy this rendition of anti facist anthem Bella Ciao which has been a clarion call for those who stand up against the far right across the years. 




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