Weekend and a good book
by Niall Shanahan

We issued a release on behalf of Fórsa's Coillte branch yesterday (the story is covered in our Services and Enterprises bulletin today). Midland Radio picked it up and had Minister of State in the Department of Agriculture, Offaly senator Pippa Hackett respond.


The Irish Times has again picked up on Fórsa's survey on remote working, with a new survey for the New York Times bearing out the findings of our own survey. Keep an eye out for Colin Murphy's column in Sunday's Business Post as he also made enquiries with us this week for a column on the future of work and how the office can no longer be seen as the default option.

Elsewhere, it's reported that Germany plans to borrow €80bn to see out the Covid crisis, Brown Thomas Arnotts agrees a voluntary package deal with unions, and IAG's CEO Willie Walsh steps down next week, with new CEO Luis Gallego to take the helm at an especially trying time for the industry.


Limerick's business and political voices are making themselves heard in support of retaining the Aer Lingus base at Shannon Airport, following reports that the airline is to relocate a number of transatlantic aircraft in the UK. More on that topic here and the response of our members.


Aside form that, the papers lead with pubs and food and other Covid-related news.


Your Zen this morning is a book recommendation. I know that's not quite what Zen is usually about so here's a video of a squirrel just in case. The book I'm recommending is Girl,Woman,Other by Bernardine Evaristo. Read it on my holidays and it's one of those that has stayed in my head since. Recommended. Click on the image above to hear the author talk about the book, which won the Booker last year.


Have a great weekend.



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