The Old Main Drag
by Niall Shanahan
The Christmas song for people who hate Christmas songs.
The Christmas song for people who hate Christmas songs.

There was a second stage debate in the Dáil yesterday on new planning legislation, with significant implications for Fórsa members at An Bord Pleanála. Labour and the Social Democrats were among those who raised Fórsa's concerns during the debate.


Fórsa official Michael Kerrigan is namechecked in the Irish Times and RTE website today in a report on a successful protected disclosures case brought to the WRC involving two Traveller workers. Well done Michael.


Elsewhere, cross border trains are among the services cancelled today as Northern Ireland's public transport workers stage a 24-hour strike over pay, while Stephen Collins writes about the high numbers of gardaí quitting the force, another hot take on last week's riots in Dublin.


Meanwhile, Ireland's first satellite is to launch later today.




Shane outlived all our expectations about his longevity. The first time I met him it was a balmy night in Islington. The pallor was a shock.


The Christmas song divides people now (it used to bring them together), but (whether you like the songs or not) there's no doubt at all about his lyrical genius, or about the legacy of The Pogues.


Watching the Mary Wallopers at Tuesday night's Gig for Gaza I was struck by how they seemed to harness that legacy to their own glorious device.


As the FAI Cup was raised in Lansdowne last month, A Rainy Night in Soho played over the stadium and helped to soundtrack that sweet moment. He has left us some gloriously anarchic, woozy, heartbreaking anthems. 


From the boreens of Pocán to the Kilburn High Road, his like will not be forgotten.


Have a safe, warm and relaxing weekend.




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