Slow news or no news: We're not covering that
by Bernard Harbor

Quick! Quick!! Emergency!!! Is there a fearless critic of pork-barrel politics and graft in the house? 'Fraid not, guv'nor: He's in cabinet now and singing a different song.


You guessed it, we've another quiet news day on our hands. And also another economic warning, but one that goes beyond the Fiscal Advisory Council's mantra of "spend less as the economy's doing well/badly."


Elsewhere, Swiss women are striking over the slow pace of equality and, two years after the Grenfell Tower fire, it's reported that the British authorities have done f**k all to deal with similar death traps.


Meanwhile, social work students are struggling to get placements, the Journal rather over-writes its underwriting yarn and, in case you thought climate change is safely happening elsewhere, here's the Irish bill so far.


As if that's not enough, I'm afraid we've death-Zen once again. But you wouldn't thank me for failing to mark the recent passing of my hero Dr John. Here he is with The Band.


Enjoy the couple of days off.






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