A bridge too far
by Róisín McKane

The Indo reports that fewer than one in three employers are in favour with the Government’s remote work bill.


A report by the ESRI has found that Rent Pressure Zones have been successful in limiting rent inflation.


RTÉ reports that SIPTU is to seek greater private sector pay increases to offset inflation. Meanwhile, the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors has called for a short-term pay agreement should be drawn up to help Gardaí cope with the rising cost of living.


Elsewhere, Government is set to cut VAT on gas and electricity and provide a lump sum payment to those on the fuel allowance as part of a new cost-of-living package following a meeting with the three coalition leaders last night.


Junior doctors began balloting for industrial action last night after a survey revealed that 40% have worked over 24 hours in one shift and 91% feel they have little or no control over their work lives.


And finally, the report by Robert Watt, the Secretary General of the Department of Health, into the CMO/TCD affair is due to be completed for Government today. Read more on that here.





Tasha the dog brings us zen this morning after she was reunited with her person following a mammoth effort by volunteers. Tasha was separated from her owner, a grandmother now living in Ireland, after escaping the war in Ukraine. Not a dry eye in the house.


Have a good day folks.



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