A Learning City
by Róisín McKane

The Times reports that the majority of notices to quit in the last quarter of 2022 were given by landlords intending to sell their property, amid projections that the private rental sector will shrink further this year.


More than 260 hospital beds are to be provided this year as part of the HSE’s €1 billion plan to upgrade the infrastructure of the health service, but many of the 261 beds to be provided under the HSE capital plan are refurbishments of existing stock rather than additions. Read more on that here.


UK passport office staff are starting a five-week strike in an increasingly bitter civil service dispute over jobs, pay, pensions and conditions.


Retired SIPTU Members representatives from Sligo, Leitrim and Roscommon are presenting themselves at HSE offices in Manorhamilton this morning in a step up in their campaign over pension arrears. Read more on that here.


The Department of Foreign Affairs has withheld €1.2 million in State funding to Irish aid charity Gorta-Self Help Africa over concerns about the governance of the organisation in recent months.


And finally, Tesla has been ordered to pay $3.2 million to a former employee after the electric-vehicle maker was found to have failed to prevent severe racial harassment at its flagship assembly plant in California.





This morning's zen comes as a podcast recommendation. As a long-time Dolly fan I found myself listening to Dolly Parton's America and I am hooked. The nine part mini series gives an an insight into the Dollyverse and makes for a fascinating and easy listen. You can check it out here



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