September's here again
by Niall Shanahan

As of yesterday (1st September) the latest pay adjustment (worth 1.75%) applies under the terms of the Public Service Stability Agreement (PSSA). The Indo reports today on the effect of the latest adjustment on TDs salaries.


In Fórsa news, last week the union welcomed the outcome of an adjudication at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) concerning online property rental advertising. The union is also inviting eligible members and activists to apply to its third level grant support scheme.


Ryanair DAC (the name for the airline within the Ryanair Holdings group) has a new chief executive from today. Michael O'Leary remains chief executive of the airline group.


Brexit shenanigans continue to dominate the news headlines, but saner heads continue to look at what needs to be done to respond to the fallout. The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has drafted a report on the impact of Brexit on jobs and the Northern Ireland Economy. Proposals include a short term work scheme, a Brexit adjustment fund and a forum for social dialogue.


Elsewhere, the Irish Times reports that property developer Deirdre Foley was paid at least €7.6 million after last year’s sale of Clerys, the HSE is planning to spend €2bn on capital projects over the next three years, the forestry industry rejects “misinformation” about the environmental impact of commercial sitka forests and An Post says a no-deal Brexit is “not a big deal” for the company.


Your moment of Zen today is a short piece of beautiful autumnal melancholy by David Sylvian. September is taken from his 1987 album Secrets of The Beehive, an old favourite. For those of you old enough to remember Japan (the art rock combo that snatched the baton from Roxy Music after Eno's departure and paved the way for the 80s New Romantics), Sylvian was the lead singer.


Have a good week.




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