by Mehak Dugal

The Government will face renewed calls to change its proposed law on remote working when the bill comes back before the Oireachtas. A meeting of the Joint Committee on Enterprise, Trade and Employment will hear concerns about the draft bill, which is designed to give employees the right to request remote working.

A new survey has found that 93% of people say they would like to work for an employer who supports and encourages a greater work-life balance. The research was carried out by food company Kellogg and jobs site Indeed, and found that almost 40% of respondents said they would be unlikely to take a job with a company that did not have a flexible or hybrid working policy in place.

Rent levels for new tenancies remained high at the end of 2021, with rents in Dublin still highest at €1,972 per month, according to a new report.

Meanwhile, prison officers will today call on the Government to deliver a pay agreement to match rising inflation and discuss the “cost of living crisis” at their annual conference in Sligo. The Prison Officers' Association has warned overcrowding and related tensions, as well as violence are also becoming a major problem in prisons.

Publicly-funded IVF services are set to begin in 2023, with Taoiseach Micheál Martin saying that regional “fertility hubs” will be established before then.


Staff in some schools in Northern Ireland will today begin a planned two-week strike. It is the latest walk-out by education staff following similar action in March, which comes as part of an ongoing row over pay. Workers are striking as part of a dispute over a local government pay offer of 1.75%, which Unite has branded a "real terms pay cut" amid the rising cost of living and surging inflation.


In other news, Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald is set to take legal action against RTÉ, Labour Party leader Ivana Bacik has resigned her position as associate professor in Trinity College Dublin, Primark is set to raise prices as it battles severe inflationary pressures, and Russia has begun what is being described as ‘gas blackmail’ of Poland and Bulgaria.


And in case you missed it, a cat threatened to steal the partygate scoop from its owner, Sky News’ Sam Coates, as he gave an update on fines dished out to Boris Johnson, reminding us that everyone has their own set of challenges with remote working. 

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