Pure shores
by Róisín McKane

Almost 50% of firefighters will engage in work stoppages today to protest at what they say are unfair and unmanageable pay and conditions.


The Coalition is set to resist calls from the Opposition to halt data centre growth despite a 31 per cent increase in electricity consumption by the centres.


The Irish Pharmacy Union claims outlets will close if current payment arrangements are not changed. The comments came following sight of a Department of Health memo which suggests the Department may resist any increase in the current level of payments in upcoming talks on a revision of fees paid to the sector.


The Taoiseach has warned that a cautious budget could push more people into poverty and financial distress, in comments that appear at odds with other senior Government ministers. Meanwhile, Government is being urged to tackle energy poverty is this years’ budget. 


Leading technology multinationals in Ireland have lost ground as employers of choice for third-level students, according to new research.


And finally, there has been a sharp decline in the availability of fully remote roles in Ireland, according to new research from professional network LinkedIn.




Alanis Morissette brings us zen this morning. Jagged Little Pill is 28 years old this week - here's my favourite track from the album. 


Have a good day folks. 



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