What's the story?
by Hazel Gavigan

RTÉ reports that around 1000 school secretaries are expected to hold three one-day stoppages and possible indefinite strike action before Christmas. At WRC talks yesterday, which failed to resolve the dispute, Fórsa informed the Department of Education and Skills that the three stoppages on successive Fridays in October will be followed by an indefinite strike in November if the row is not resolved. 


The head of the HSE has flagged “serious concern” about the deteriorating financial position of a number of organisations providing disability services across the country. This comes as Saint John of God is to transfer responsibility for services to the HSE over a 12-month period. Fórsa has expressed concern about the impact on staff and said it would insist its members’ terms and conditions “will be protected” during the transfer to the HSE.


This RTÉ analysis looks at the long term effects of working from home and the impact on our mental health and well-being. Bernard's interview with Morning Ireland on Fórsa's remote working survey results is included in the report.


In aviation, Cork Airport bosses have again pleaded with the Government to scrap quarantining in lieu of pre-departure testing as Ryanair threatened to close its operations in Cork and Shannon from the end of October. The airline says it will halt operations in both airports for the winter season unless international travel for passengers is restored with safety measures in place.


Meanwhile, former Debenhams workers continue with their calls for a fair redundancy package and protested outside Fianna Fáil’s party headquarters yesterday to mark 175 days of industrial action.


And finally, to mark 25 years since Oasis released their second studio album '(What's the Story) Morning Glory?', here's the eponymous hit single for today's zen.


Have a great weekend, folks.


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