Fórsa strategic plan: Have your say

Fórsa have recently set up a Strategic Organisational Review Team, and as part of this process the union are seeking to develop a strategic plan which will inform the union’s direction over the next five years.

In doing so, we want to hear from Fórsa members in every division, branch and corner of the country.

This is a unique opportunity to have your say on what you believe the union’s priorities should be, to put forward your ideas, and to raise any issues which you believe should be considered in the development of our strategic plan.

Today, we are launching a consultation platform which will enable members to share their views and play their part.

You can register for the platform at this link and you’ll then be able to make a submission under one or all of our simple themes: priorities, ideas and issues.

When registering, while a number of the ‘Address’ fields are mandatory under ‘Additional Information’, we do not require this data so you may enter your work address or a Fórsa office address if you wish. You have until the end of January 2020 to make your submission. All member submissions are private, and will only be visible to members of the SORT team. We will treat these submissions as strictly confidential.

The platform will also be used for later stages of consultation on the strategic plan. In addition, it will be used for future consultations on some additional priority items being worked on by the union’s SORT project team. Once you’ve registered on the platform, you’ll receive notice and information on these consultations when they go live.

We have also launched a more detailed consultation with union branches today. So now is the perfect time for you to get active, get in contact with your branch, and find out how you can input into the branch submission process.

We want to build a better, stronger Fórsa for our members and branches, and we need your help.

So, get registered, make your submission, and have your say!

Fórsa’s Strategic Organisational Review Team

* If you have any further queries, require more information, or need to request support in completing the process of registering or making a submission, you can contact us on sortproject@forsa.ie.

** In undertaking this process we are committed to complying with data protection law. The home page of the consultation platform will ask you to give consent for your data to be used for the consultation process before registering. This will be linked to the privacy statement which explains exactly how your information will be used.

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