Budget day
by Róisín McKane

The EU's chief diplomat has said there will be no suspension of development aid to the Palestinian people despite an earlier claim by Hungary’s European Commissioner that €691 million would be frozen. The announcement came after the Irish Government criticised a tweet by the EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi that aid would be suspended.


Meanwhile, President Michael D Higgins has called for an immediate end to the "horrific scenes" across Israel and Gaza, saying that failure to address the conflict has bore a "terrible fruit for all those involved".


Criminal defence barristers and solicitors are to get a 10pc increase in fee rates next year. The move, which is expected to be announced in the Budget today, comes in the wake of an unprecedented strike by members of the criminal bar last week.


The GRA has welcomed the new interim roster for their members following yesterday’s meeting with Garda officials. Management met all four Garda Associations on Monday to try and resolve the issue over rosters that lead to threats of industrial action from members earlier this month.


Siptu represented radiographers at two Galway hospitals have overwhelmingly backed industrial action in a ballot over staffing levels.


Today marks World Mental Heath Day, and two young mental health advocates say they hope today's Budget delivers more funds for services in the sector. Read more on that here.


And now for zen. The Irish film premiere of AMERICONNED - the story of union member Chris Smalls leading a movement to unionise Amazon workers in America, will take place in Liberty Hall Theatre this Thursday (12th October) at 7:30pm. Check out how you can get tickets here.


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