Level 5
by Róisín McKane

Teachers’ unions have expressed concern over the Government’s decision to keep schools open during Level 5. The Teachers’ Union of Ireland said it had repeatedly sought information from the Department of Education on what extra protections would be provided to schools, but had yet to receive a response. 


Elsewhere, Cliff Taylor of The Times says that the Level 5 restrictions risk pushing the economy into double-dip recession.


The Government’s plan to introduce mandatory private pensions for all workers above a certain income limit by 2022 looks likely to be delayed yet again, a pensions expert has said.


Researchers from the Whitaker Institute at NUI Galway and the Western Development Commission have published data from the second phase of the national remote working survey, which found that 94% of participants are in favour of working remotely for some or all of the time.


Our own Seán McElhinney spoke to Clem Ryan on KFM about the dispute in Oberstown. Listen back to that here (from 23:00).


Irish medical scientists, who help carry out urgent Covid-19 testing, have voted to take industrial action if a long-standing pay dispute isn’t resolved. The Medical Laboratory Scientists Association, which represents 1,800 people employed across health services, voted on the potential action at their AGM last weekend. 


Sean Doyle, who last week swapped the CEO seat at Aer Lingus for the top job at  British Airways, has urged the UK and US to back pre-flight Covid-19 testing with quarantine-free transatlantic travel corridors.


And finally, SIPTU has called for improved working conditions in childcare to help stem Covid-19 infections.


We have a double zen this morning because, well frankly why not? The Times compiled a list of 75 reasons to be cheerful over the weekend. With contributions from Mary McAleese, Prof Luke O’Neill and Tara Flynn, amongst others, it makes for a lovely read and a necessary break from the worldly heaviness.


Our second serving of zen is my favourite Halloween song (if there can be such a thing). Monster Mash is 58 years old this year and better than ever. I challenge you not to have a bop in your kitchen to it.


Stay safe folks.



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