Three times out
by Róisín McKane

The Garda Representative Association has begun its protest over Garda Commissioner Drew Harris' decision to change the garda roster next month.


Elsewhere, barristers who work in criminal law will go on strike for the first time in a dispute about the Government’s failure to reverse cuts to their pay imposed in the aftermath of the financial crash.


New legislation going to Cabinet today will require those seeking to legally challenge a planning decision to have exhausted all other avenues before taking a court case. Critics have warned that it unduly curtails the right to challenge a decision through a judicial review.


Jack Horgan-Jones focuses on the budget in this piece.


The Irish Penal Reform Trust has raised concerns regarding the overcrowding conditions in Irish prisons. Read more on that here.


The liquidators of Debenhams have lost a second test over the mass compulsory redundancy of nearly 1,000 staff there 3½ years ago.




Janis Joplin brings us zen this morning as this week marks the 53rd anniversary of her death. 


Have a good day folks. 



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